Soup's On! Here are 3 Reasons to Prep Your Fall Soup Stash

Soup's On! Here are 3 Reasons to Prep Your Fall Soup Stash

Posted by Eunice Juanzo on Aug 22nd 2023

Am I the only one who’s observed the recent temperature drops in the morning time?! While a little unnerving it’s also one of the best indications that Fall is just around the corner and there are fantastic things on the horizon. Being from a tropical climate I still recall the first time I witnessed the breathtaking beauty of autumn. The leaves on the trees amazingly change colors and the streets are soon painted with a stunning fusion of yellow, orange, and red hues. It is a remarkable sight to see!

But as the heat fades away, the leaves aren’t the only thing to get excited about - the urge to wear cozy sweaters while slurping down hot chocolate and pumpkin spice lattes overwhlems! Ahhh, with so much to look forward to, it's no wonder that Fall is a season that people eagerly await…but I haven’t even mentioned the best part: SOUP’S ON! With that last part in mind here are three reasons why hoarding soul-warming soups for fall makes perfect sense:

Perfect comforting meal. 

Soups like Loaded Potato, Chicken Stew, Chicken & Rice, and Tortilla provide familiar comfort in the cold season. These soul-warming soups are the best soup stash starters! And if you did not know, we have a pre-selected bundle of these soups, and the best part is you also get a taco dip and cornbread mix. Such a good deal!!

Readily available when colder days approach.

Fall is also a great time to start preparing for the winter season. No waiting time, it’s just there in your kitchen, ready to be cooked at any time! Stashing nutrient-dense soups like vegetable soupsausage & lentilbutternut squash & lentil, and split pea are some of the great healthy soup options that still keep you warm and satiated.

Easy meal-preparation.

Stashing Homemade In Minutes soups, stews, and chilis can help you cook quick and easy warm meals with just a few added ingredients in under 45 minutes. This makes them perfect for cold busy weeknights or when you’re short on time.

In conclusion, hoarding soul-warming Frontier Soups for fall is a very wise decision. They are easy to make, healthy, versatile, and can provide comfort and warmth during the colder months. So, stock up on your favorite soup ingredients and start cooking!